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Allergies & Sensitivities
Over the years HAIRY WINSTON has become known for helping your pets with allergies and sensitivities, whether due to food, environmental triggers, topical products or parasites. No, we are not veterinarians or dermatologists, although we get referred by them often. We are just a local pet store that has spent years researching, listening, learning and trying everything we can to help your pets live healthier lives.
If your pet has any of the following symptoms, we encourage you to come in and chat with us. Let us help figure out what the triggers could be and come up with a game plan to get your pet back on track.
Itching & scratching
Licking or chewing paws or hind end
Tear staining or runny eyes
Hot spots or oozy skin
Inflamed & scaly skin
Common symptoms of allergies and sensitivities:
Sour smell or corn chip smell
Inflamed or infected ears
Sneezing, coughing, runny nose
Vomiting, diarrhea or gas
Anal gland issues
Chronic hairball issues

**we encourage you to have your pet seen by your holistic veterinarian regularly or if any symptoms are serious or concerning.
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